How to Sharpen Lathe Tools?

How to Sharpen Lathe Tools?

Lathe tools are the backbone of any woodworking project, and keeping them sharp is key to perfect results. Knowing how to sharpen lathe tools can help you improve your projects and get better results in less time. This guide will explain what you need to know about how to sharpen lathe tools, along with answering some common questions and providing useful tips.

Turning Tool Starting Set

The first step in sharpening lathe tools is to get a good turning tool starting set. This should include a variety of gouges, chisels, and scrapers that will cover all the basic woodturning needs. It’s important to make sure you get high-quality tools so they stay sharper for longer and won’t require as much sharpening. [1]

Turning Tool Starting Set

Sharpening Setup

In terms of the sharpening equipment necessary, it’s straightforward. It’s advisable to use a grinder with a grinding wheel. Ideally you should have two – one for roughing and another for finishing.

The ideal angle for grinding is around 25 degrees, however, this may vary depending on the type of tools you’re using.

For a more precise angle, adjustable jigs are available for purchase to help you set the correct angles quickly and accurately. You should also wear safety goggles while sharpening lathe tools, as sparks may fly in all directions when grinding steel. [1]

Slow-speed grinder (6″ or 8″ wheel)

Before you can sharpen lathe tools, it’s important to understand the basics of a slow-speed grinder (also known as a bench grinder). This tool is designed for sharpening edges and honing hard materials like metal. A slow speed grinder uses two abrasive wheels, one on each side of the motor shaft. To sharpen a lathe tool, the wheel should be running at approximately 800 RPM.

The sharpening process begins with grinding one side of the tool bit against the spinning wheel. The angle of the grind is determined by the shape of the wheel and how it contacts the cutting tip of the tool bit. After grinding one side, turn off the grinder and check that the newly ground edge is straight. If it’s not, adjust the angle of the wheel until it is straight. [1]

Tool rests

A tool rest is an important part of sharpening a lathe. It should be placed against the tool with a 90-degree angle between it and the wheel to ensure that the edges are even and you can see what you’re doing. You should also make sure that the distance between the two points that touch your tool is equal.

When adjusting the tool rest, start from the outside and move inward until you think it’s at the correct angle. Then check that your tool is parallel to the wheel with a square or try holding a piece of paper between them.

Tool rests

When sharpening, take care not to press too hard on the tool as this can cause it to heat up quickly and lose its temper. Move the tool in a steady motion against the wheel at a rate that is consistent with your technique. This will help you achieve an even grind and produce an edge that’s sharper for longer. [1]

Grinder stand

To make it easier to sharpen your lathe tools, you’ll need a grinder stand – an adjustable or fixed-height support for the tool rest. The tool rest should be set at a height that’s comfortable and convenient for you so that you can work with precision. Use a small block of wood or metal to make sure the tool rest is at the correct angle to sharpen your lathe tools. [1]

Grinding wheels

The type of grinding wheel you use is very important and depends on the shape of the tool and its cutting angle. To use a grinding wheel to sharpen lathe tools, it needs to be dressed into a slightly concave profile which will match the cutting edge. This can be done using a dressing stone or by running the grinder against a piece of scrap material. If you don’t have a dressing stone, it is possible to use a grinding wheel without any dressing but the results are likely to be less than satisfactory.

When choosing the material for your grinding wheels, look for one which is appropriate for the type of tool and cutting angle you need. The most commonly used abrasives are aluminum oxide and silicon carbide, which both have different properties for sharpening. It is important to select the right grinding wheel so that the cutting edge remains true after sharpening. [1]

Diamond Truing Tool

A diamond truing tool, also known as a dressing tool or stone dresser, is an essential part of sharpening lathe tools. Diamond truing tools are used to shape the grinding wheel into the desired shape and even out any rough patches on its surface. By ensuring that your grinding wheel has a flat and even surface, you will be able to achieve a more precise and consistent finish on your lathe tools.

When using a diamond truing tool, it is important to remember to move it across the grinding wheel in a slow, steady motion until you reach the desired shape. Make sure that the tool touches the full surface of the grinding wheel in order for it to be properly shaped.

The size of the diamond truing tool should be chosen to match the size and shape of the grinding wheel that you are using. If you are using a smaller grinding wheel, use a small diamond truing tool; for larger wheels, choose a larger sized diamond truing tool. [1]


If you have a lathe and are looking for the best way to sharpen your tools, then using a protractor can be one of the most efficient options. A protractor is an instrument used to accurately measure angles and form lines at specific angles. It is possible to use it in combination with other sharpening tools such as files or HSS cutters to sharpen and shape the cutting edges of your lathe tools.


When using a protractor in sharpening, you need to use the same angle on both sides of the tool. This is important because it ensures that the two cutting edges will be even and that they’ll work together during machining. To do this, you need to mount the protractor with the area being sharpened in its center. Once mounted, you should rotate the tool until it’s at the desired angle and then use a file or HSS cutter to sharpen both sides of the tool. [1]

Felt-tipped marker

One of the most important tools for sharpening lathe tools is a felt-tipped marker. This will enable you to clearly mark the edges and angles on your tool, so that you know exactly what needs to be done when it comes time to sharpen. When selecting a marker, make sure it’s one that won’t leave any residue on the tool. This is especially important if you plan to use a grinding wheel or similar sharpening method, as this could create a dangerous situation.

When using the marker, be sure to draw lines and angles in the areas that require sharpening. It’s best to start with a shallow angle (about 15-30 degrees) and then go deeper for more aggressive sharpening. You can use the marker to draw out a jig or template that will help you maintain consistent angles while grinding, but it’s also important to keep an eye on your progress and adjust as necessary. [1]

Sharpening stones

Sharpening stones are the most commonly used tool for sharpening lathe tools. Most people find them extremely easy to use and they come in a variety of shapes, sizes and grits. To get started, select a stone that is appropriate for the type of work being done – some materials require finer grits than others. Once you have selected the appropriate stone, secure it in a holder or clamp.

To sharpen your lathe tools on the stone, place your tool at an angle of approximately 20 degrees to the stone and move it back and forth across the surface while applying light pressure. You may need to adjust the angle slightly depending on what type of cut you are trying to achieve. Once you have sharpened the tool, finish it off by honing it on a finer stone before using it for your project. [1]

Diamond Parting Tool

The diamond parting tool is a type of lathe tool that can be used for cutting long grooves in materials. It is usually made from steel and has a blade that contains diamonds on its face. To sharpen this tool, start by securing the diamond parting tool in a sharpening jig. Next, use a grinding wheel to make sure the blade is perfectly perpendicular to the jig. Once the diamond parting tool has been sharpened, use a hand file to check for any burrs and smooth them out if needed. After that, you can use honing oil and a sharpening stone or honing guide to further sharpen the blade and make sure it’s nice and sharp.

It’s important to remember that diamond parting tools are notoriously hard to grind, so it might take some practice before you get the perfect angle. When sharpening a diamond parting tool, always wear protective safety equipment like gloves and goggles to prevent any potential injuries. [1]

Diamond Parting Tool


Scraper sharpening is an important step in the process of making sure your lathe tools are at their best.

Scrappers must be sharpened before each use and honed regularly in order to maintain a razor-sharp edge.

To sharpen your scraper, start by setting up a jig for it on the bench grinder. Once the scraper is secure, begin by grinding the bevel angle at approximately 35 degrees to create a secondary cutting edge. To obtain a good cutting action, it is important to keep the tool rest parallel with the plane of rotation of the wheel as it grinds.

After establishing the bevel, you can move on to honing the scraper. Start by setting the rest of your jig at an angle that is slightly steeper than that of the bevel, and then use a light touch to cut off any burrs created when grinding. This will create a cutting edge that is sharper than that obtained from grinding alone. [1]

Spindle Roughing Gouge

A spindle roughing gouge is a great tool to have when it comes to sharpening lathe tools. This tool has a curved blade that helps you quickly shape and smooth out your project with ease. To sharpen a spindle roughing gouge, first, secure the tool in an adjustable speed grinder so that the cutting edge of the blade is level with the wheel. Make sure that you wear protective gear, such as safety glasses and thick gloves. Adjust the grinder’s speed to match the material you are working on; a slower speed for softer material and a higher speed for harder material. [1]

Spindle Gouge

The spindle gouge is probably the most commonly used tool when it comes to sharpening lathe tools. It’s a curved-shaped cutting tool with a long, straight handle that allows for easy manipulation while working. With proper honing techniques, you can use your spindle gouge to achieve a sharp and clean edge on just about any type of material.

First, you’ll want to ensure that the spindle gouge has a sharp edge. This can be done by grinding it on a bench grinder or other coarse grinding wheel. Once this is done, you should then move onto honing the edge with an oilstone. Using circular strokes and steady pressure, slowly hone the edge until it’s sharp.

You may find that you need to touch up your spindle gouge periodically throughout the process. This can be done by simply taking a few strokes on the honing stone, then wiping off the excess oil with a clean cloth. [1]

Bowl Gouge

The bowl gouge is one of the most common lathe tools used to shape wood. It has a curved cutting edge that can be used to turn both spindle and bowl workpieces. To sharpen it, you’ll need two grindstones: one coarse grit and one fine grit.

Bowl Gouge

First, set your grinder up with the coarse grit stone, and then hold the bowl gouge so that the beveled edge is facing down against the wheel. Make sure to keep your fingers away from the wheel as you grind. You should apply light pressure while pushing the bowl gouge towards you in an arcing motion; this will help ensure a smooth and even edge. [1]

Skew Chisel

The skew chisel is one of the most commonly used tools for turning wood on a lathe. It’s also known as a “turning gouge.” The tool has two blades; one flat, and one curved. The flat blade should be used for roughing out large shapes, while the curved blade can be used for finer, more detailed work.

To sharpen a skew chisel properly, you’ll need a sharpening jig and an angle gauge. Start by marking the desired cutting angle on the blade using the angle gauge. Place the blade in the sharpening jig with the marked side down, then set it at the angle desired. To sharpen, use a small oilstone and move the stone in a circular motion along the blade until you reach the mark. Repeat this process on both sides of the blade until it’s sharpened evenly. [1]

Is it Sharp, or Not?

One of the most important aspects of sharpening lathe tools is knowing when a tool is truly sharp. When it comes to lathe tools, it can be difficult to tell just by looking at them if they are truly sharp or not. So, how can you tell?

First, run your finger over each cutting edge and check for smoothness. If the edge is rough, it is not sharp enough and will require more sharpening. Secondly, you can test your cut by cutting a piece of soft wood or plastic with your tool. If the cut appears jagged or rough, then the tool isn’t sharp enough and requires further sharpening. [1]

Is it Sharp, or Not?


What is the best tool to sharpen lathe tools?

The best tool to sharpen lathe tools is a sharpening jig. A sharpening jig is a specialized device that holds the cutting tool at a fixed angle and guides it through an abrasive surface. This approach ensures consistent results, makes learning how to sharpen lathe tools easier, and produces sharper cutting edges.

What angle do you sharpen lathe tools?

The angle at which you sharpen lathe tools is largely dependent on the type of tool and the desired cutting edge. Generally speaking, a sharpening angle of 20-25 degrees produces an effective cutting edge for most lathe tools.

How do I keep my lathe tools sharp?

To keep lathe tools sharp, you should regularly hone them with a honing stone or diamond file. Honing is a process that uses abrasive particles to smooth the cutting edge of a tool and create an even, razor-sharp finish. Additionally, it’s important to use correct technique when using the lathe so as not to blunt the tool.

What grit sandpaper to sharpen lathe tools?

When sharpening lathe tools, you should use an abrasive paper that is suitable for the type of tool and desired cutting edge.

For most general purpose applications, a grit between 120-150 will provide good results. However, it’s important to select a grit that is suited to your particular application.

Can I sharpen blades on sandpaper?

Yes, you can sharpen blades on sandpaper. However, it is generally recommended to use a sharpening jig or honing stone as this approach provides more consistent results and makes learning how to sharpen lathe tools easier. Additionally, when using sandpaper, you should select a grit that is suited to your particular application.

Can you use sandpaper on a lathe?

Yes, you can use sandpaper on a lathe. Sandpaper is often used to deburr the edges of metal parts after machining. However, it should never be used to sharpen lathe tools as the grit and angle will not be consistent. The correct method for sharpening lathe tools involves using a sharpening jig or honing stone.

Useful Video: Grinding HSS Lathe Tools | Beginner Tutorial


By now you should know the basics of how to sharpen lathe tools. It is important to note that sharpening lathe tools requires practice and skill. Before attempting a full-fledged project, it is advisable to start with smaller items such as screws or other small objects. You can then attempt larger projects gradually as your confidence in your sharpening skills grows.

To keep your lathe tools in peak condition, it is important to regularly sharpen them as needed and use the right techniques. This will ensure that your projects turn out perfect every time. With a bit of practice, you can become an expert at sharpening lathe tools! Good luck!

