How to Remove Deck Boards That Are Screwed In?

How to Remove Deck Boards That Are Screwed In?

Deck maintenance is a crucial part of home upkeep, and there might be times when it is necessary to take off the bolted deck planks. This could be due to several reasons such as wood rot, board damage, or a desire to change the aesthetic of your outdoor space. No matter the reasons, the process might seem daunting, but it takes the proper instruments and a little bit of patience, you can accomplish the task effectively. In the following sections, we will outline a step-by-step guide to aid you in this process.

How Do You Get a Stubborn Screw Out?

When dealing with a stubborn screw, there are techniques you can use. First, apply penetrating oil or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to loosen rust or residue. After a few minutes, try unscrewing with a screwdriver.

If that doesn’t work, gently tap the screwdriver with a hammer while turning. You can also try using pliers or screw driver tools for removing complex screws.

Remember, be patient and handle carefully to avoid further damage. If unsure, ask for help from a professional. [2]

How Do You Get a Stubborn Screw Out?

How to Seal Screw Slots in Wood Deck Planks?

Using a Longer or Wider Screw

In some cases, the simple solution for a cleaned bolt hole in a deck board could be to use a longer or wider screw. This is especially helpful when the hole is too large for the original screw size.

  • Choose a screw that is either longer or wider than the original one. If you opt for a longer screw, make sure it won’t protrude on the other side of the board. If you decide on a wider screw, ensure it won’t split the wood.
  • Before screwing, it’s a good idea to drill a pilot hole. The diameter of the mounting hole must be less than the hole size of the screw’s body. This provides a guide for the screw and reduces the chances of splitting the wood.
  • After drilling the test hole, you can screw in the new, larger screw. Make sure to drive it in slowly to prevent any further damage to the wood.
Remember, while this method might be a quick fix, it may not be a permanent solution. If the wood around the hole is too damaged, it might be best to replace the board or use the dowel method mentioned earlier. Always opt for the solution that ensures the longevity and safety of your deck.

Using Hardwood Screw Anchors

Hardwood screw anchors, or screw plugs, are another effective method for securing screws in deck boards, particularly when dealing with hardwoods that may be more prone to splitting.

  • Start by selecting an appropriate-sized hardwood screw anchor. These anchors, which are typically made of sturdy materials like brass or steel, come in a range of sizes to suit different screw diameters. Ensure that the anchor you choose matches the diameter of your screw.
  • With a dremel tool that matches the size of the anchor, drill a hole at the location where you want to place the screw. The hole should be deep enough to accommodate the full length of the anchor.
  • Next, insert the screw anchor into the hole. Tap it gently with a hammer until it is flush with the surface of the deck board. The anchor will provide a solid base for the screw.
  • Now, insert the screw into the anchor and tighten it with a screwdriver. The anchor will keep the screw firmly in place, preventing it from stripping or becoming loose over time.
  • Remember, while using screw anchors can be a more secure solution, it’s important to handle them with care. They can potentially cause splitting if not installed correctly. Always ensure you’re using the right size for your screws and deck boards. If you’re unsure about any step in the process, do not be shy about asking for expert advice.

How to Seal Screw Slots in Wood Deck Planks?

Fixing Screw Holes with Toothpicks

Believe it or not, toothpicks can serve as a quick and straightforward solution for fixing small stripped screw holes in deck boards.

  • First, remove any dust or debris from the screw hole. You can use compressed air or a small brush for this.
  • Apply a small amount of wood glue to a toothpick and insert it into the hole. For larger holes, you may need to use two or three toothpicks. Ensure the toothpicks are inserted firmly and fill the hole.
  • Allow the glue to dry completely. This usually takes a few hours, but for the best results, you may want to leave it overnight.
  • Once the glue is dry, cut or sand off the excess toothpick so that it’s flush with the surface of the deck board.
  • You can now re-drill the screw hole and insert the screw.

This simple trick can give a new lease of life to your deck board, saving you the trouble and expense of replacing it. However, keep in mind that this method is only suitable for small holes and is not a permanent solution for larger issues. Always exercise caution when dealing with tools and adhere to safety guidelines to avoid injuries. [1],[2]

What is the Best Method to Remove the Deck Board?

Moving the deck plank may seem daunting, but it can be straightforward with the right tools and techniques. The simplest is to delete it with a hammer drill and a pry bar.

  • Start by removing screws or nails that secure the board. If screws are used, a power drill with a screwdriver bit can quickly remove them. For nails, use a pry bar or claw hammer to carefully extract them without damaging the wood.
  • Once the fasteners are removed, use the pry bar to lift the board. Apply pressure along the length of the board, prying as you go.
  • As the board lifts, slide a block of wood underneath to create a gap. This block acts as a fulcrum, making it easier to pry the board further.
  • Repeat this process until the board is completely free.
  • Remember to exercise caution and patience. Protect yourself with proper gear and work at a comfortable pace. If unsure, consider hiring a professional. [3]

How to Seal Screw Slots in Wood Deck Planks?

How Do You Remove Old Deck Boards With Stripped Screws?

Dealing with old deck boards with stripped screws can be challenging, but with patience and the right tools, you can get the job done. Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the stripped screws by identifying their worn-out or damaged grooves.
  2. Use a drill to make a small hole in the center of the stripped screw as a guide for the screw extractor.
  3. Insert the screw extractor into the hole to bite into the screw and make it easier to remove.
  4. Turn the screw extractor counterclockwise using a wrench or drill to loosen and remove the screw.
  5. Repeat this process for each stripped screw if necessary.
  6. Once the screw is removed, proceed to remove the deck board.

Remember, this task takes time and care. Use the right tools and take safety precautions to prevent injuries. Consider hiring a professional if needed. [3]

How Do You Remove Rusted Deck Screws?

Removing rusted deck screws can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can remove them without causing further damage to your deck. Here’s a step-by-step method:

  1. Apply rust dissolver to the screw, following the instructions on the package.
  2. Try removing the screw with a screwdriver. If it’s still stuck, proceed to the next step.
  3. Create a small divot in the screw head using a drill.
  4. Insert a screw extractor into the divot to loosen the screw.
  5. Turn the extractor counterclockwise with a wrench or drill until the screw is loose.
  6. Remove the screw.

How Do You Remove Rusted Deck Screws?

Remember to wear protective gear and consider hiring a professional if needed. [3]

What Do I Do If The Screw Breaks in a Deck Board?

When a screw breaks in a deck board, it might seem like a difficult problem to handle, but with a few simple tools and a bit of patience, you can extract it. Here’s how:

  • Assess the situation: If a portion of the broken screw is still visible above the surface, you might be able to grip it with pliers or vise grips and turn it counterclockwise until it’s freed.
  • If the broken screw is flush with or beneath the surface, you’ll need a screw extractor. Start by drilling a small, shallow hole into the center of the screw.
  • Insert the screw extractor into the drilled hole. As with previous methods, the screw extractor is designed to dig into the screw as you turn it counterclockwise.
  • Apply slow and steady pressure as you turn the extractor until the screw begins to move.
  • Continue this process until the screw is loose enough to be removed.
Always remember to exercise caution when extracting broken screws to avoid damaging the deck board further. If the screw is too deep or the extraction process becomes too complex, it may be best to consult a professional. [3]

What Do I Do If The Screw Breaks in a Deck Board?


How do you remove deck boards when screws are stripped?

When screws are stripped, removing them can be more complicated. To remove stripped screws from your deck board, you’ll need a screw extractor kit, a drill, and patience. Here’s how:

  1. Identify the stripped screws with worn-out heads.
  2. Drill a small hole in the center of the stripped screw.
  3. Insert an appropriate screw extractor into the hole.
  4. Turn the screw extractor counterclockwise with a wrench or drill.
  5. Continue turning until the screw becomes loose, then remove it with pliers if needed.
  6. After removing all stripped screws, proceed to remove the deck board using the pry bar method mentioned earlier.

Remember to be cautious and take your time to avoid further damage. If needed, consider hiring a professional.

How do you remove stubborn deck boards?

Stubborn deck boards can be challenging to remove, whether due to age, warping, or embedded screws. Here’s how you can tackle this task:

  • Loosen the board: Gently lift the board using a pry bar or crowbar, working along its length to prevent cracking or breaking.
  • If the board is still stuck due to embedded screws, use a reciprocating saw or hacksaw to cut the screws underneath. Ensure the blade reaches the screws.
  • After cutting the screws, try lifting the board again with the pry bar. It should be easier to remove now.
  • If the board is warped or twisted, cut it into smaller sections for removal. Use a circular saw or handsaw, adjusting the blade depth to avoid cutting into the joists.

Remember to prioritize safety. Wear protective gear like gloves and safety glasses when working with tools and handling old, potentially splintered wood. For particularly stubborn boards, consider hiring a professional to avoid injury or damage to the deck structure.

How do you remove deck screws without damaging wood?

To remove deck screws without damaging the wood, follow these steps:

  1. Apply penetrating oil to lubricate the screw. Wait a few minutes.
  2. Use a screwdriver that fits the screw head to avoid stripping. Manual screwdrivers provide better control.
  3. Turn the screw counterclockwise with steady pressure. If it doesn’t move, tighten it slightly before loosening again.
  4. If the screw is stuck, tap the screwdriver’s end with a hammer to break rust or build-up.
  5. For deeply embedded screws, grip and turn with pliers. Pull up gradually to avoid breaking.
  6. Use a screw extractor for stripped screw heads, following the same steps.

Remember to be patient, apply steady pressure, and seek professional help if needed.

How do you remove painted deck screws?

Removing painted deck screws can be tricky, but it’s entirely possible with a few extra steps. Here’s how:

  • Score around the screw head with a utility knife to remove the paint seal and make the screw more accessible.
  • Apply penetrating oil to loosen any rust or debris on the screw.
  • Use a screwdriver that fits the screw head perfectly. Apply pressure and turn counterclockwise to unscrew it. If it’s stuck, try tightening it before loosening again.
  • If the screw head is stripped, use a screw extractor. Drill a small hole in the center of the stripped screw and use the extractor to unscrew it.
  • Turn the screw extractor counterclockwise with a wrench or drill until the screw is loose enough to remove. Use pliers if needed.

Remember to be patient and careful to avoid damaging the wood. If you’re having difficulty or the screws won’t come out, consider seeking professional help.

Can you remove screws that have been painted over?

Certainly, removing screws that have been painted over, although slightly more challenging, is achievable. With patience and the right tools, you can successfully tackle this task.

The process is similar to the steps outlined above, but with a few extra ones:

  • Score around the screw head with a utility knife to remove any paint seal.
  • Apply penetrating oil to the screw and let it sit for at least 5 minutes to soften rust or debris.
  • Use a properly fitting screwdriver and apply steady pressure while turning counterclockwise to unscrew. Tightening slightly before loosening may help if needed.
  • If the screw head is stripped due to paint or rust, drill a hole in its center and use a screw extractor to unscrew it.
  • Use pliers to pull out the loosened screw and remove it completely.

If screws are stubborn, seek professional help. By following these steps, you can safely remove deck screws, even if painted. Remember to prioritize safety by wearing protective gear like gloves and safety glasses. With patience and skill, you’ll complete this task in no time!

How do you remove painted deck boards?

Removing painted deck boards requires a different process due to the added complexity of the paint. The goal is to remove the boards without causing damage to the structure. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Remove any screws or nails holding the deck board in place. If the screws are painted over, refer to the section above on removing painted screws.
  2. Once the screws are out, gently lift the edge of the board using a pry bar or crowbar. Start at the end and work toward the middle.
  3. Be careful to avoid the board sticking to neighboring boards due to paint. If there’s resistance, slide the pry bar along the edge to separate it gently.
  4. Lift the loose board off the deck, possibly with the help of another person for longer boards.
  5. After removing the board, clean up the area by pulling out any remaining nails or screws from the joists. This will make installation of new boards easier.

Remember, deck removal can be labor-intensive, so be patient. Prioritize safety by wearing protective gear and working at your own pace. If the task feels overwhelming, consider calling a professional.

Useful Video: How to Remove Difficult to See or Painted Over Deck Board Nails or Screws


Removing deck boards that are screwed in, particularly those that have been painted over, may seem like a daunting task. However, with patience, the right tools, and a step-by-step approach, it’s entirely achievable. From using a basic screwdriver to a screw extractor for stripped screws, each scenario has a solution. The key is to work carefully to prevent any unnecessary damage to your deck. Remember, always prioritize safety and don’t hesitate to call in a professional if the task proves too challenging. Happy DIY-ing!

